Cakephp Admin Panel Script Download Image

I'm struggling with the concept of creating an admin section in CakePHP-project. (version 2.3.5) I have uncommented the line in Config/core.php: Configure::write('Routing.prefixes', array('admin')); I have added the line in Config/routes.php: (Just as they advice to do in CakePHP cookbook.) Router::connect('/admin', array('controller'=>'pages', 'action'=>'index','admin' =>true)); In AppController.php I have the following: public $components = array( 'Session', 'Auth' =>array( 'loginRedirect'=>array('controller'=>'pages','action'=>'index', 'admin'=>true), 'logoutRedirect'=>array('controller'=>'pages','action'=>'display','home'), 'authError'=>'you have no access.'

The role of the HtmlHelper in CakePHP is to make HTML-related options easier, faster, and more resilient to change.

, 'authorize'=>array('Controller') ) ); Then I have added a layout View/Pages/admin_index.ctp which is where I want to be redirected after login. I managed to get my login working in UsersController.php. So the question is, where should I redirect in AppController.php to get my logged admin to the admin_view? I believe that loginRedirect is somehow broken. I have studied some tutorials on this subject but I have found only this Youtube-video All other tutorials seem to be concerning earlier versions of CakePHP. I have another solution. Admin panel for website has another graphics, javasctipt etc, so I do in my app folders: app_name +Model +Plugin +admin +front Yes admin is in another folder, so I can for example set another cookie to login in admin area only plugins and model are the same.

This folder structure needs some configuration in bootstrap.php: App::build(array( 'Plugin' =>array(ROOT. DS), 'Model' =>array(ROOT. DS), 'Model/Behavior' =>array(ROOT.

DS), )); Maybe is crazy for you but i prefer this solution that use admin routes.

Cakephp Admin Panel Script Download Image

BrowniePHP Admin panel meta-framework CMS What is BrowniePHP? Is a plugin for the that saves you the work to create a back-end for your app. Hp P2055dn Printer Driver For Windows 7 there.

With minimal configuration, the plugin adapts itself to any CakePHP application and automatically provides you a very intuitive and easy to use admin panel. Developers familiarized with CakePHP might see it as an advanced ready-to-deploy system. Is BrowniePHP a CMS? Yes, you could say so, but we prefer to say that BrowniePHP is a meta-framework; some kind of high-level framework built upon CakePHP that makes your development more agile, giving you an automatic content management system and some tools for the creation of front-ends. What is the difference between BrowniePHP and other popular CMS like Drupal, Joomla and Wordpress? Most CMS in the market can be deployed and used turnkey, you only have to run the installer and a few steps ahead you are ready to use them. BrowniePHP is a CakePHP plugin and it works based in the you create for your application. Hp Dj450 Printer Drivers there.

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