Check If Php Suexec Installed

Check If Php Is Working

This interface only appears if your server runs EasyApache 3. Ttcp Download Hp-ux. We strongly recommend that you upgrade your server to run EasyApache 4. In EasyApache 4, you can perform the actions that this document describes in the following interfaces: • WHM's interface ( WHM >>Home >>Software >>MultiPHP Manager) • WHM's interface ( WHM >>Home >>Software >>MultiPHP INI Editor) Change the default PHP version You can define which version of PHP the system uses when Apache serves a.php file. To change the default PHP version, select the version of PHP that you wish to use from the Default PHP Version (.php files) menu and click Save New Configuration. Hp Laserjet 1515n Driver. Enable or disable Apache suEXEC When you enable suEXEC, Apache runs CGI software as the account owner rather than as the nobody user. Elementi Di Biblioteconomia E Archivistica Pdf Printer. To enable or disable suEXEC, select on or off from the Apache suEXEC menu and click Save New Configuration. To test your new configuration, select the Do a dryruncheckbox. Crack De Operation Flashpoint Resistance Torrent more.  This feature allows you to verify the new configuration before deployment. After you click Save New Configuration, click Apply Settingsin the following interface to apply the new settings to your PHP configuration.

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