Constitutional Law Of India By J N Pandey Pdf Printer

Dear Viaji, But a book of Cr. There you will come to know what is a summons case & warrant case. When can be accused arrested without warrants. As per Section 2(w), 'summons-case' means a case relating to an offence, and not being a warrant-case and as per Section 2 (x), 'warrant-case' means a case relating to an offence punishable with death, imprisonment for life or imprisonment for a term exceeding two years. Cr P C classifies an offence as either cognizable or non-cognizable, and a trial procedure as summons case or warrant case.
1998, Constitutional law of India / by J.N. Pandey; foreword by H.C.P. Tripathi Central Law Agency Allahabad, India Wikipedia Citation Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required. Hp 2120tu Laptop Drivers.
Thus, the terms summons case and warrant case are in reference to the procedure adopted for the trial of the case. Thus, the difference between the two can be seen from the point of view of their trial procedures as highlighted below - Summons Case Warrant case Cr P C prescribes only one procedure for all summons cases, whether instituted upon a police report or otherwise. Cr PC prescribes two procedures for the trial of a warrant case my magistrate - one for case instituted upon a police report and one for case instituted otherwise than on a police report. No charge needs to be framed only the particulars of the offence needs to be conveyed to the accused.
A charge needs to be framed against the accused. 252, if the accused pleads guilty, the magistrate must record the plea of the accused and may, in his discretion, convict him on such plea. 241, After the charge is framed, the accused may plead guilty and the magistrate may convict him on his discretion. Accused my plead guilty by post without appearing before the magistrate. Accused must appear personally. The accused may be acquitted, if the complainant is absent or if the complainant dies. Magistrate can discharge the accused if complainant is absent, or no charge is framed, or if the offence is compoundable and non cognizable.
The complainant may, with the permission of the court, withdraw the complaint against the accused. The complainant may, with the permission of the court, withdraw the remaining charges against an accused, if he is charged with several offences and convicted on one or more of them. When a warrant case is tried as a summons case and if the accused is acquitted under S. 255, the acquittal will only amount to discharge.
Download Nada Dering Hp Bbm. When a summons case is tried as a warrant case and if the accused is discharged under S 245, the discharge will amount to acquittal. Trial of a warrant case as a summons case it is a serious irregularity and the trial is vitiated if the accused has been prejudiced. Trial of a summons case as a warrant case is an irregularity which is curable under Section 465. A summons case cannot have charges that require a warrant case.
A warrant case may contain charges that reflect a summons case. Accused gets only one opportunity. Accused may get more than one opportunity to cross-examine the prosecution witness. A charge under a warrant case cannot be split up into its constituents for trial under summons case.
No such power to the magistrate in summons case. After convicting the accused, the magistrate may take evidence regarding previous conviction not admitted by the accused. Hp Regulatory Model Fclsd 0508 Manual Woodworkers.
All cases which are not punishable by death, imprisonment for life, or for more than two years are summons cases. All cases which are punishable by death, imprisonment for life, or for more than two years are warrant cases. Conversion As per Section 259, a summons case can be converted into a warrant case if the case relates to an offence that entails more than 6 months of imprisonment as punishment and the judge feels that in the interest of justice it the case should be tried as a warrant case. A warrant case cannot be converted into a summons case.
Free Download Kamus Inggris Indonesia Untuk Hp Android. It is important to note that the question whether a summons or a warrant should be issued in the case is not related to whether the case is a summons case or a warrant case.