Hp 50g How To Install Programs

HP 50g - Loading Programs, Symbolic Calculus The Museum of HP Calculators HP Forum Archive 17 [ ] HP 50g - Loading Programs, Symbolic Calculus Message #1 Posted by on 13 Mar 2007, 4:10 p.m. Hp Bb Z3 Kasih Aplikasi Wa Ig. Grmchpxfreo En Dvd.iso. Hello, I have purchased the HP50g and am liking it so far. However, I find the manual and online references lacking in particular areas. 1) How do I load a program into the calculator and then access it?
I am able to use Conn4x and connect to my calculator. But then all I get is a list of files and a folder of more files. The particular program I want to load is a periodic table. I dont know where to put the file, nor do I know how to access it once in the calculator. The readme for the program says this 2.1 Installing -------------- a) send either chemlb27.lib(full) or chemlt27.lib(light) to the HP48 b) put a copy of the library on the stack c) enter the port number to store the library (0-33 GX, 0-2 SX) d) here is an example of the stack setup so far: -------------------------- 4: 3: 2: Library 1014: CHE. 1: 0 e) at this point, press [STO] f) perform a warmstart with [ON][C] or turn on and off the HP48 g) erase the variable containing the library. How To Install Epson Printer L210. 'CHEMLB27.LIB' PURGE h) read the next section for the Universal Font Library (UFL) requirements For part a, I dont know where exactly I need to send it.