Hp Usb Disk Storage Format Tool V2.1.8 Extreme Overclocking
It's freely available from: HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool - v2.1.8 Download - EXTREME Overclocking along with the Windows 98/DOS boot files. Run the HP tool, pointing it at the directory where you unzipped the DOS boot files, and it will automatically build a bootable DOS USB drive using those files. Free USB Disk Storage Format Tool for Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2016/2012/2008/2003. Download Now (557 KB) - 100% Freeware.
I bought 10 128 Gb USB Flash Drives from a supplier in China by the name of Gogoea, paid $ 39.00 a piece, they are Kingston Data Traveler USB 2. Michael Brecker Licks Pdf Printer here. 0, they all failed to work after a couple of times using them, they loose information, some aren't even recognized, but in general they are not wokring. I heard that there is a way to fix this problem, even though you have to sacrifice capacity, reducing them to probably 64 or 32 Gb, but that is beter than loosing them. I had to reformat some of them, but I couldn't format them in FAT 32 of NTFS, I had to format them in ExFAT, the new format of Microsoft, but not only there is a problem to read them on Windows XP or Vista without Service Pack 1, you have to update Windows XP to be able to read this new format, and still they are not working.
Any help will be highly appreciated. It sounds like you got ripped off. A lot of flash products (especially camera cards) are created by using a different product and then putting an official looking logo on them. E-Bay is notorious for allowing this type of transaction as they don't get involved. I got a fake camera card and had to deal with Paypal which would only file my complaint and get my money reimbursed. These sellers don't have any criminal charges filed against them and continue to sell fake products.
I'd bet anything your drives are fake. I know that I have been ripped off, the strange thing is that when inserted for the first time, some showed 134 Gb free space, and some showed 126 Gb free space, and I was able to transfer files to the 10 units, and erased them without any problems, but after three or four times, they start dissapering the files, folders created are there, but you can't erase them, still it shows the high capacity. I understand that they are fake, but shouldn't they fail from the first time inserted?, and why do they show the high capacity, I have one piece with 12 full DVDs, and they worked fine for 5 or 6 times, now only three folders have information, the other 9, are empty. Dude there is a real issue with these USB drive at the moment, I did some research and discovered that there are four types of usb chips being produced in china at the moment Type A - Top Quality 100% guaranteed The following Type A and B are produced at the same time as Type A but due to their position on the silicone their produced on are sold off or scraped. Type B - second grade still good quality but most manufacturers wont take the risk of putting there name on them Type C - (the type I think You bought) are produced on the very edge of the silicone and have a tendency to fail 30- 40% of the time and are considered junk by the manufacturer Type D - Recycled chips from ether type B/C sources or from other sources.

Sorry but I thing you might have to swallow your losses next time you should try a supplier that gives you a lifetime guarantee like this. I bought the same one from an eBay seller. For $29/ea I pretty much figured it was a fake, but curiosity got the best of me. I figured even if it was unusable, for that kind of money it was worth figuring out how they did it. I moved a single 4.194GB file back and forth between a PC with a fast (250MB/s) SSD drive for time tests. Reading from 128GB card = 15.7 MB/s Write to 128GB card = 3. Contoh Program Oop Php Book. 7 MB/s Compare that to my true 64GB TD from Supreme (Newegg): Reading from 64GB card = 22MB/s Writing to 64GB card = 9.1 MB/s Further, I was not able to get TD to format NTFS - even after changing compatibility mode to performance (v.
Portability), or using the HB USB disk flash tool. Right now I'm transferring 122GB of TV shows and movies to it to max out capacity and see if it will actually hold anything near the advertised limit. It's not fast. It's not NTFS. I don't know about the reliability.