Install Flash Player Without Admin Privileges Php To Usd
To automate flash player, I created a Policy and added the following. This way you can install updates without giving away your admin password.

I have tried in the past to push Flash out via Group policy. It was not a success. It would fail on many devices. It wouldn't update. Didn't give any native reporting. So I gave up and looked elsewhere.
If you use WSUS for Windows Updates, Then you can use Local Update Publisher to inject Flash, java, etc into your WSUS system and then they appear as normal Windows updates. I haven't yet ad success getting Adobe reader into it, but apparently you can also just import the Microsoft SCCM/SCUP catalogue in and that will work. I even pushed SEP 12.1 out to all my clients with it.
I support 800+ devices across 11 sites (10 different, non connected Windows domains, though they all sue the same WSUS server) this way. All of which must have Flash & Java installed.
LUP has changed my Flash thinking from 'I can't even come close to keeping flash up to date so I won't even bother trying' to 'keeping Flash upto date is easy'. Getting flash to deploy via GPO is pretty easy.
It took a little while to figure it all out, but now it works swell. That and earlier runs in the 10.x range was horrible at updating. SCUP packages are nice as well.
Java is something I'm looking at deploying via GPO. Php Bsi Advance Hotel Booking System. I need to munge up a suitable MSI and put it in the right place. Free Download Canon In D Pachelbel Mp3 there. FWIW, getting to 2008R2 for our domain/forest level helped things, as did DFS-R. Free Program Free Canon Gp 405 Service Manual here. I think the main thing was ironing out all the various issues that existed in AD and only popped up in the various pre-flight checks.
With few enough systems, it's easy to script Java deployments using psexec. Copy the executable in place and use the corp redistributable version with the right command line options for silent install. Blam, deployed. Will need a system restart, but that's all. You can also script that as well with psshutdown. Can you expand on your experience with Ninite Pro? It's one of the options I'm looking at to solve the same problem.
Well, a subset of the problem, anyway, now that both Reader and Flash (I think) will do minor version updates without admin rights. It's a bit of a mixed bag, really. It works quite well when run as a 'one off' procedure from an admin account but it will mostly fail if run in login script because it needs to run elevated. In the end, I've elected to write a script that runs as a scheduled task from our WSUS server (same place I put the ninite cache). The script will first attempt to install 'mandatory' applications (Flash, Adobe reader), then uninstall prohibited apps (Java) and finally update all optionally allowed software. The tool itself works, but you have to put in some effort and some options aren't really well designed. Logging, for example, it sub-par and you'll need to write quite a bit of script to make it work the way you want.
Still, for 20$/100 machines, I find it way easier to use than try to maintain GPOs. From what I saw, however, if you're using a RMM in your environment, it can be make to work very easily (unfortunately, we're too small/cheap to use such a system).