Install Mysql Module Php Windows Install

Install Mysql Module Php Windows Installation

Configure PHP to Access MySQL. Open the c: php php.ini file with your favorite text editor. Uncomment the following lines by removing the semicolon: extension=php_mysqli.dll extension=php_mbstring.dll extension=php_mcrypt.dll Restart the IIS service by clicking on Start, selecting the Search Field, typing iisreset, and.

Its my first time working with Apache,PHP,MySql. I downloaded and installed the latest package of these 3. Now I checked with apache and the index. Hp Connection Manager Windows 7 Download Free. html works.

Now I replaced the index.html with some php script to check if my php works or not. When opened the html page again I see the php code directly. It seems it does not work. Following is how my php code looks like. When I open my index.php, I see the above code itself. Return To Mecca Pdf Printer. Can anybody let me know whats wrong and how can i fix it?

Step By Step Process to Setup Apaache,PHP,Mysql,phpMyAdmin and XDebug. 1)How to install Apache 2)Setup PHP for Apache 3)Install & Configure MySQL to use with PHP 4)Setup XDebug for Debugging 5)phpMyAdmin Note:In this tutorial my Server Folder is located on F: Server How to install Apache 1)There are two ways to install apache either install the old version of apache httpd (Compatible with Windows XP) from or get the latest apache build zip from 2)I will show how to configure apache from the zip version downloaded from 3)Click on Additional + VC9 on the left of the page. 4)Download the 2.4.x zip build with OpenSSL 0.9.8.

5)Create a folder with a name Server on location where. 6)My Location is F: Server 7)Extract the Apache24 from apache zip to the Server folder. 8)Now Goto config folder in Apache and open httpd.config in any text editor. 9)Find(Ctrl + F) and replace each and every instance of 'c:/Apache24' and change it to your apache location in my case its f:/Server/Apaache24. ServerRoot 'c:/Apache24' with ServerRoot 'f:/Server/Apache24' DocumentRoot 'c:/Apache24/htdocs' with DocumentRoot 'f:/Server/Apache24/htdocs' with ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ 'c:/Apache24/cgi-bin/' with ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ 'f:/Server/Apache24/cgi-bin/' with 8)Now run the Command Prompt (with Administrator Rights). 9)On Command Prompt go to the location Server/Apache24/bin.

10)Inside the Bin folder type 'httpd -k install' to install the Apache service and then press Enter. 11)To start the Apache Server simply type in 'httpd -k start' and then press Enter. Operation Flashpoint Red River Patch 1.02 Password.

12)Restart Your Computer 13)Now Open the Bin folder and double click on the ApacheMonitor.exe and Start Apache 14)Now Goto localhost if you see page 'It Works' then Apache is sucessfully installed on you computer. If you see a page that says 'It works!' Then the Apache server has been installed successfully. Setup PHP for Apache 1)Goto download the 2)Create a folder named php inside Server folder.

3)Extract all files from to php folder in the Server. 4)Now Goto config folder in Apache and open httpd.config in any text editor. 5)Find(Ctrl + F) the LoadModule scroll down until last LoadModule and Paste the following LoadModule php5_module 'f:/Server/php/php5apache2_4.dll'. 6) Find(Ctrl + F) the AddType scroll down until last AddType and Paste the following AddType application/x-httpd-php.php. 7)Add the PHP location to the end of the httpd.conf file. For example, at the end of the file, add the following: PHPIniDir 'Your PHP Location'. Localhost/info.php 8)In the php folder rename the php.ini-development to php.ini and open it in Text Editor.

9)Find(Ctrl + F) the display_errors, and make sure the value is set to On. 10) Find(Ctrl + F) the extension_dir = './' and change it to extension_dir = 'F: Server php ext'. 11)Restart Apache Server. 12)Create a file 'phpinfo.php' in htdocs folder in Apache with follwoing content: 13)Goto localhost/phpinfo.php extension_dir = './' 14)Right Click MyComputer Click Propertes 15)Click Environment Variables 16)Add Your php folder location at the end of the path 17)Restart Your Computer. Install & Configure MySQL to use with PHP 1)Goto download the zip or installer version. 2)Install MySQL 3)Click Next 4)Select Complete & click Next 5)Click Finsh 6)Click Standard Configuration 7)Click Next 8)Enter the password for mySQL 9)Goto MySQL Command Line and enter the password. 12)Open the php.ini file and find the line:;extension=php_mysql.dll remove the semi-colon.

And find the line:;extension=php_mysql.dll phpMyAdmin 1)Goto config folder in Apache and open httpd.config in any text editor. 2) Find(Ctrl + F) the line DirectoryIndex index.html add index.php.

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