John White Pole Shift Pdf Printer

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John White Pole Shift Pdf Printer

Hp Deskjet 3050 Cd De Instalacao there. P ole Shift is a term used to describe a range of theories that includes an alteration to or even the complete reversal of the magnetic poles, a change to the axis of rotation of the entire planet as well as a possible sudden movement of the outer crust of the Earth relative to its axis. The magnetic poles are always on the move and well documented, while their complete reversal is a much slower process, previous reversals have left us geological ‘fingerprints’. It is suggested that another reversal is imminent, while some ‘prophets of doom’ have nominated late 2013 for the event, with dire consequences for mankind (f). The latest data shows drift of about 40 miles a year, with a recent movement of 161 miles in just six months, creating navigation problems and the re-designation of airport runways which are named after their compass orientation (i).

Weather Extremes – Are They Due to The Poles Shifting? By Aaron on March 2, 2012 in Environment, Environmental Collapse, Pole Shift Feb 20, 2011.

The idea of wandering (magnetic) Poles was first proposed by the German priest Damian Kreichgauer(1859-1940) (g) in 1902 [], although at the time he found little support for the concept. The late Terrence Aym was of the opinion (l) that a magnetic pole reversal was a sign that the next Ice Age was beginning! Today, NASA provides us with a more sober view of the phenomenon of magnetic pole shifts.

There are a number of variations on the basic concept of an axial change and an array of suggestions for the date of the last displacement. Generally speaking the mechanism required to cause such a catastrophe is believed to be an impact by or close encounter with a large or comet. The continuing discovery of huge impact craters around the globe reinforces this possibility. However, recent studies have identified other processes that may have led to polar changes in the past (e). The earliest proposal of an axial displacement was probably that put forward in 1873 by, who also linked this to the destruction of Atlantis (n). The suggestion of an Antarctic location for Atlantis, as proposed by Rose and [], is totally dependent on a pole shift. The Flem-Aths have interpreted the characteristics of our present icecaps as strong evidence for a number of previous pole shifts.

This idea was inspired by the work of [], who was convinced by such evidence as the and other ancient maps that seemed indicated the existence of an Ice Age civilisation now partly covered by the Antarctic icecap. *Hapgood has noted [.71] that in the 1950’s Karl A.

Pauly [] and George W. Bain [] also supported a form of crustal shift, the former building on the work of A. Eddington [] of some decades earlier. * is the title of an assignment (p) given to first-year geology students at Malaspina University-College in British Columbia.

It was set by lecturer Professor Steven Earle with intention of developing the of his students. The objective of the task is to investigate the Crustal Displacement theory of the Flem-Aths, whose ‘Atlantis in the Antarctic’ hypothesis is totally dependent on the occurrence of a pole shift. Pole Shift [] by John White, frequently associates the destruction of Atlantis with a pole shift and anticipates another one in the near future, but unfortuntely, most of the ‘evidence’ he offers in support of this contention comes from psychic sources, which cannot be accept as reliable. However, it seems that some years later White completely revised his opinions according to a 1996 report (m).

Hpi Bullet Mt 3.0 Manual Pdf The Best Software For Your there. Although the majority opinion is that pole shifts occurred as a result of encounters with extraterrestrial bodies, Hapgood contended that only the outer crust of the earth shifted and that this was the result of a build-up of ice at the Poles causing instability. However, it has since been calculated that the polar ice constitutes such a small percentage of the mass of the crust that it could not possibly have caused the slippage proposed by Hapgood. This idea and others are discussed on the Pole Shift Forum (o).

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