Mhp3rd Cheat Database

CsessFile:Monster_Hunter_Portable_3rd.jpg thumb MHP3RD]]MONSTER HUNTER PORTABLE 3RD CWCheats JAPAN==_S ULJM-05800_G Monster Hunter Portable 3rd_C >>>General Cheats <<<_C0 Money 9999999_L 0x213A5E24 0x0098967F_C0 Yukumo Farm Point 99999_L 0x213A5E1C 0x0001869F_C0 Yukumo Farm Unlock All_L.
I just want to share the largest CWCheat database that I found. If ever you guys can find a larger one, please post it here and I'll edit the first post with your database. Cheat.db - Total Games: 1810 Total Code Names: 44322 Total Codes: 130204 How did I know these stats? With this: CWCheat Database Editor - Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s) WATCH MY MHFU GAMEPLAY VIDS AT: Have I been helpful to you in any way, nya? Big Book Disco Funk Pdf Printer. You can click that '+' button ▼ to raise my reputation, meow! ( 01:18 AM)jorgebueno Wrote: download cheat.db but codes do not work for games like iron man 2 or alien versus predator requiem for example use the option to import cheats from.
Db but the codes do not work in many games. Modifying some codes is that they work, but I do not. I have windows x86. Thank you for listening The thing is, these code are made for PSP and NOT for PPSSPP.
I, as well, discovered many codes in this list that don't work for PPSSPP yet work perfectly fine for PSP when using the CWCheat plug-in. I'm sorry if I caused you disappointment. WATCH MY MHFU GAMEPLAY VIDS AT: Have I been helpful to you in any way, nya? You can click that '+' button ▼ to raise my reputation, meow!
Running Speed Up -No Cold -No Hot -No Hunger -No Wind Pressure -No Shivering -Great EarPlug -Unlimited Carving -Rapid Fire Blaze -Instant Capture Monster ( I don't this this works D: ) -Show Map -Auto Tracker -Yukumo Farm Unlock ALL -Sharpness no decrease -Cat Loyalty MAX -Cat Point MAX -Cat Jutsu Attacks -Cat Equip All -Attack Change ( x1, x2 ) -Auto Recovery HP -Defense ( x2, x4, x8, x16, x32 ) This are found in the internet, thanks to Raydee and bry_07 for the codes. Noritsu Qss Printer Driver there. Thanks to PSPn00bz for combining them together. COMING SOON: How to Fix, upgrade, downgrade a PSP using Hellcat's Recovery Flasher v1.65.