Synaptics Touchpad Driver For Acer Aspire V5

Windows 10 Synaptics Touchpad Driver updated 7/21/2015 My Laptop is an Acer Aspire S7-392-9890 with a Driver date of 7/21/2015. The Touchpad works until I evoke the Start Menu. Free Download for your Acer device drivers, install it on your computer to update the driver.

Following a thread from earlier Microsoft forums, this worked for me yesterday to restore trackpad function. Go to the Acer driver page for your computer. Download the intel IO chipset drivers for Windows 8.1.

Driver For Acer Aspire 4530

Run the setup for the driver in 'compatability mode' and install. You will need to restart the computer.

The computer will then recognize the trackpad as a valid device. Then download and install the Synaptics (or Elan) driver for Win 10 from the Acer support page and restart. If the trackpad is not immediatley active on the restart, hit Function F7. At least this fixed it for me.

I had exactly the same problem. I managed to solve it partiallly by downloading the (Windows 10, 64-bit version). Follow these steps to 'partially' solve the issue. Only pointing works now, and the buttons are still inacctive.

1- Download and install. 2- Restart your laptop.

If the problem is solved, you're good to go. If not, do the following: 3- Search for (Mouse & Touchpad settings) in the Start Menu and click on it. 4- Scroll all the way down and click on 'Additional mouse options'. A new winodow (Mouse Properties) with several taps will open. 5- Click on the rightmost tap called (ELAN). 6- Select 'E-Lan Smart-Pad' from the 'Device' box. 7- Click on 'Enable Device'.

8- If checked, uncheck 'Disable when external USB pointing device plug in' 9- Then click on 'OK' As I said in the beginning, this only solved my problem partially. I am still not able to use the buttons on the touchpad, only pointing works. Hp Compaq 6820s Linux Drivers there.

Following a thread from earlier Microsoft forums, this worked for me yesterday to restore trackpad function. Go to the Acer driver page for your computer. Download the intel IO chipset drivers for Windows 8.1.

Run the setup for the driver in 'compatability mode' and install. You will need to restart the computer. The computer will then recognize the trackpad as a valid device. Then download and install the Synaptics (or Elan) driver for Win 10 from the Acer support page and restart. If the trackpad is not immediatley active on the restart, hit Function F7. At least this fixed it for me.

Hey I use acerĀ Aspire V3-772G, had the very same problem after installing win 10. Touchpad didnt work almost at all. THe state it was in made it unable to use. I know a thing or two about computers and i struggled for some time.

Nevetheless updating all drivers didnt help and i went with final solution what i found mentioned somewhere only once - upgrading my BIOS version from 1.13 up to 1.15. And right after installing it all was working in first boot. So my advice - upgrade BIOS, and your touchpad will work like heaven again You can find it in here after putting your acer SNID: Cheers. Hello, don't know how your laptop working now on W10 & what touchpad driver you have.

If you have Elan driver, update it & MS W10 will search the available one to update for U. Press Fn Key & F7 (or key has mousepad logo on it) together to see pointer locked or not. If it locked, press both keys again to unlock it. Open website, Use 2 fingers (not 1 like before) lightly slice (w/ tips of fingers) to scroll. Note, U don't need to put fingers at the edge of touchpad to scroll anymore. Hope it help U. I had the same issue and tried everything I could.

Nothing worked. Resorted to using a mouse and for 2 weeks or more thats how I used my 7735.

Today I wake up and to my surprise my trackpad now works without me doing anything. Has Microsoft sent an upgrade to solve this problem as it is not just Acers that have the issue? Can anyone else comment on whether they have their trackpad back? I worked in IT for 30 years and we always viewed these strange things as the manufacturer or software supplier downloading a fix but saying 'nope we haven't changed anything' so they do not get bad feedback for bad programming.

Hi, I thought you were having Touchpad problems in Win10? Php Serial Port Communication Linux Ubuntu. Are you now having problems with the video in Win10? Is the touchpad problem fixed? If you are having problems with Win10, go into Device Manager, make a list of the vendors of your hardware e.g. Your Audio is Realtek, BUT Touchpad is either Elantech OR Synaptics, the video is either Intel OR Nvidia, you have to know which one you have so that you can install the latest correct drivers for the device. If something is working OK leave it alone, do not update it until you get everything else working OK.

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