Windows Vista Printer Spooler Crash
Windows vista print spooler problem. ->the spooler immediately crashes (stops). Printer Deriver are not supported for Windows Vista. 2) Printer Spool has. Unable to Print and Print spooler service keep stopping automatically on Windows 10, Windows 8 and 8.1, print spooler not running issue might be with the printer driver or if you have installed multiple printer and issue might be with one of the printer that causing print spooler service stop, I would suggest list of checks and troubleshooting steps to.
Recently I upgraded my system from Windows Vista Home Premium to Windows 7 Ultimate edition. Although the system overall has been working well, I've been unable to print, let alone view my printers because the print spooler service keeps crashing. When I try printing in various programs I get an error saying I need to install a printer before printing however when selecting yes to install a printing, I get an error message saying something along the lines of not being able to add the 'add printer' dialogue because I the spooler isn't running. I've tried manually starting the service and rebooting however no matter what I try, the spooler stops running after about 10 or so seconds.
On a similar note, I've tried two repair installs but to no avail. Thanks for any assistance. Hi xcrunner645, Welcome to Windows Answers Community Forums • This behavior occurs if existed printer drivers are corrupt. I suggest that you remove all the installed printers and reinstall the Windows 7 printer drivers if available. Remove a printer 1. Click the 'Start' button, type PRINTER in the search box and press Enter. Find the icons of installed printers, and delete them.
Right-click on the blank part of the window, and choose 'Run as administrator'->'Server Properties'. On the Drivers tab, select the listed printers and click the Remove button. Please then select Remove driver and driver package. Open Start menu, input APPWIZ.CPL in the Search box and press ENTER to launch 'Programs and Features'.
Try to remove all related printer software. If the issue is not resolved, I suggest that you clear the printing sub system. Step 1 ====== Start Windows Explorer, and then rename all files and folders in the following two folders: c: windows system32 spool drivers w32x86 To rename a file, we can right click the file and select Rename. Step 2 ====== 1.
Click Start, type REGEDIT in the Start Search Bar, and then press ENTER. Navigate to and then click the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Print Environment Windows NT x86 View the list of subkeys. Hp 2133 Mini Drivers Window 7. There should be only the following subkeys: Drivers Print Processors If there are any keys other than those listed above, follow these steps: a. On the File menu, click Export. In the File Name box, type a descriptive name for this key -- for example, type WindowsNTx86regkey -- and then click Save to save it to your local Desktop. We can use this backup of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Print Environment Windows NT x86 registry key to restore the key if you experience any problems after you complete this procedure. Delete all keys other than Drivers and Print Processors.
Step 3 ====== Navigate to and click the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Print Monitors registry key. View the list of subkeys. There should be only the following subkeys: BJ Language Monitor Local Port Microsoft Document Imaging Writer Monitor Microsoft Shared Fax Monitor Standard TCP/IP Port USB Monitor WSD Port If there are any keys other than those listed in above, follow these steps to delete them: a. On the File menu, click Export. In the File Name box, type a descriptive name for this key -- for example, type Monitorsregkey -- and then click Save to save it to your local Desktop. How To Install Addons For Operation Flashpoint more. We can use this backup of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Print Monitors registry key to restore the key if you experience any problems after you complete this procedure.