Download Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising Full Game Torrent
Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis is an ambitious and eagerly anticipated military shooter that turns up the heat on the Cold [] Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis - PC - Torrents Games Download.torrent - Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis - PC.
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It is a first person shooter which has Codemasters as the developer. It is released and available for PC, XBOX 360 and also for PlayStation 3. You can get full version of Dragon Rising for PC from this page. Codemasters have got a history of making such kinds war titles, but if you are spending money on this, then you must remember one thing it is not like the previous versions, it is a modern Sci-Fi shooter. Go to the end of this page and you will find a link that will take you to the links page where you will get Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising free download. The storyline is based on imaginary things, which are going to happen in the future between Russia and China, that reminds me of Cold war, and as expected you are playing a role of a soldier from American army, the country which is always interested in gaining benefits from others problems and showing the power and strength to the world by acting like a peacemaker.
Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising PC download is given on this site, get it and enjoy the game. Healthpointe 2 0 Programme. The play is very attractive and adventures, you need to complete all the 11 stages or operations which are set for you. The combats are extremely realistic there are bunch of soldiers, who help you in survival, like taking bullets during combat, just to ensure that you should survive till the end. This is not like usual war games where one bullet will not do much damage to you and you will continue fighting even after taking damage, but in this only a single deadly bullet shot can end your life. If you get hit by some bullets then there is every chance that you will bleed and die i.e.
If you are unable to seek out medical attention in that time. If you came here looking to know how and where to download Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising for free, then you have arrived at the right page. Even relatively smaller injuries can be deadly, so it requires a lot of patience to understand the situation and to make your moves. The shots fired from long-range may end your journey if you are not careful about the snipers.
The story line is weak but you will enjoy the combat and gunfights which make you feel more like a real soldier, the frustration will be always there in your mind. Artificial Intelligence, AI for short is superb to say the least, your squad will change their tactics according to the situation you put them in by either taking defensive positions or attacking. So this means the enemy is also using the same AI to attack against you, they will always be on the lookout for weak spots to cause the most damage they can. Where to get this game? No worries hop over the end and you will find Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising free download. Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising Free Download The gameplay is intentionally made slow and even a single mistake can cause you lots of damage. The weapons used are futuristic and make you feel comfortable.